Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My Ex Left Me After I Gave Her All My Savings

My ex recently left me the day after I emptied out my entire savings account and 401K to help pay off her credit card debt. She had been begging me to do this for quite some time now, but I had been reluctant because I was afraid she was only using me. My fears became a reality last week when I came back home from work and saw that she had removed all her stuff from the home that we shared. I can’t believe she did this to me after all the things I did for her.

When we first met, I let her stay with me because her boyfriend at the time was abusing her…well at least that’s the story she gave me. In hindsight, I bet she did the same thing to him. I let her stay with me and didn’t even charge her rent. I was so good to her. I gave her my paychecks to go shopping, I paid for her auto insurance and I even gave her money to pay her student loans.

After all I did for her, she still left me without even saying good-bye. Even though she did this to me, I still love her. I wish I could have her back in my life. She was all that I cared about and I would have done anything for her. Is it just me or why do women have this power over men?

So where do I go from here now that I am broke? My options are to move in with my brother and his wife and kids. Maybe I can refinance my home? On the other hand, if I go live with my brother, I can save up some money and rebuild my life over again. But I really only want one thing in my life…

My Princess Rachel, if you are reading this blog, please understand that I am not mad at you. I love you and care for you still. Please come back to me!

Your humble Knight,



ConcernedCitizen said...

Is it just me or why do women have this power over men?

It's just you.

The JFB said...

Learn to get over it.

I'm just living an uncanny parallel to your story.

Step one is to get out of denial. she left, and won't be back. Ever!
Step two is to learn tricks to overcome hurting.
Step three is to start over.

Easier said than done, but that's the only way...

Unknown said...

Protip: Grow a pair. Hire a lawyer.

Anonymous said...

Did Rachel's last name start w/ an 'A' by any chance? This sounds eerily similar to my experience...

I just walked away and never looked back - that's all you can do...


Unknown said...

Woah, man... snap out of it! This is coming from a girl... she's not coming back, she used you, and that was an abusive relationship. Until you realize that, you'll always be the victim (which is why you're begging her back). What would you tell a girl friend if she was in the same situation?

Unknown said...

yup get a lawyer and take her to court!
sounds like she deserved the abuse from her previous boyfriend.

Unknown said...

wtf? how could you love her and want her back after she stole your life savings? i'd want her back so i beat the crap out of her (i don't actually condone beating women... unless they steal my life savings).

sidebar, can i borrow some money?

satnu said...

Maybe the guy she left for you had it right?

First get a lawyer and the get a pair!

Chris Wilson said...


Welcome to the internet. You've decided to introduce yourself as the most pathetic whiner ever.

You always said Yes. If you don't say No some of the time, it makes your Yes worthless.

You got taken. She probably won't even think twice about you. You're done. She's probably forgotten who you are. She's not even sorry.

Stop begging to be abused again by your "Princess" and get out and starting living your life for yourself, not her.

Unknown said...

Natural selection at work.

Sue her. There's a good chance you will lose the case, since it wasn't a loan, but rather a (huge) present. If you are lucky, judge will sympathize with your situation (being broke), and you might get some money back.

Change yourself, stop being such a loser, or this shit will happen again and again and again.

theindianapolisan said...

jj: you sound like a blues song. when my wife and i were little girls in Catholic school on the cusp of being in bloom, we all got sat down and talked to about what love is and is not.
love has very little to do with someone being good to and protective of another person without them being as good to and protective back. in my case, I can hardly walk out of the house without having a panic attack. My sweetie can hardly look at the wireless router without crying. So we help each other out. That's nice. It keeps us coming back for more.
Physically, you can be attracted to many people. They didn't come up with the term "one night stand" because it only happened once. But when you are building a life with someone, their looks shouldn't be the thing that makes you want to be with them the most. My honey is a good kisser, etc. That's nice and keeps us coming back for more.

The secret is trust and respect. Pure and simple. I am not even friends with someone whom I don't trust and respect, and I am not friends with someone who won't respect me and my boundaries or will trust my word. The first boundary of respect (I learned working at a bank) is money. You never EVER mess with someone's money in a way that even APPEARS that you're up to some shady stuff.

What I can conclude from your 12-bar prose is she's not coming back. You got conned. Screw her funny little laugh, the way she combed her hair, the stylish clothes she wear. Maybe she even made you cookies once. Fuh all that! If you aren't running at an even respect level almost all day everyday, your relationship is in its death throes or dead. She didn't respect you enough to not steal from you, which most people wouldn't even do to a stranger. Bar none, you can't ever trust her again.

I carried on with a chick like this in high school for a year-and-a-half. After a while, you realize that being "the good guy" all loving and accepting just makes you a character in a crappy romantic movie, not real life. It makes you a sucker, not interested in even saving yourself (which is very unattractive in a man or woman, BTW). For real, if you want to save a life worth saving, get a 12 year old cat from the Humane Society.

I would be interested to see how you get your money back, though.

Byron said...

Hate to break it to you, but women only stay with men they can respect, and part of earning that respect means not putting up with their shit. Especially like this. So, comments like "My Princess Rachel, if you are reading this blog, please understand that I am not mad at you. I love you and care for you still. Please come back to me!" after what she's done to you will only help ensure she never comes back. Sorry you had to learn this the hard way. Nice guys finish last, hire a lawyer, get your money back, and put a stop to her crap, b/f she goes off and does it again to another nice guy.

Anonymous said...

Jesus. Have at the very least a moducum of self respect. She's a criminal. She robbed you. If you see her again give her a swift kick in the cunt. she deserves it. And for GOD's SAKE if anything like this happens again--keep it to yourself!

Jeff said...

Shoot the fucking bitch you pussy

P said...

wow your a fucking tool

JC said...

Ugh. Pathetic. Did she leave you before or after you had your balls surgically removed?

You set yourself up to be used, so why should it surprise you that you were? And now you're just setting yourself up to get hurt again.

Congratulations, buddy, you win at life.

Sterling said...

First off, I'm not trying to sound mean or to 'kick a guy when he's down' but I have never heard of any guy being so badly taken advantage of. Ya we all have moments in our lives where we've been had by a good looking woman, some more than others, but usually it leaves us a little more prepared for the next one yet you still say you love her?

A. Your first mistake was giving her money, any person that has no respect for their own finances will not have respect for yours.

B. You don't respect someone who kisses your ass, I'm sure you don't need to ask to whom I'm referring to.

C. If a person doesn't show an ounce of appreciation for the things you do, stop doing it and move on.

